A downloadable game for Windows

You are the Biovessel, an alien parasite which grows to no end. Although your inner body is weak, you take on ship parts to protect yourself from others and cause destruction.

You must build a ship from ship parts in your inventory to survive endless rounds of enemies. At the end of each round, you gain extra ship parts to add, but your existing ship gets consumed by Biovessel flesh,  permanently growing the size of the ship. If any part of the Biovessel gets damaged, you take permanent damage so make sure you build a good armor layer each round. But remember, the bigger your ship is after each round, the bigger the Biovessel will be next round. Your objective is to survive as long as you can, and gain a high destruction factor (score). Destroying enemy ship parts is the only way to gain destruction factor.

The ship is controlled based on what parts it's made of. e.g. You can only rotate right or strafe right if you have right-pointing thrusters on your ship. You can't move forwards if there's no forwards-facing thrusters. If all of your thrusters get destroyed, you won't be able to move for the rest of the round, etc.


Build mode:

  • Left click - move / place parts
  • Right click - remove or deselect parts
  • R - rotate certain parts
  • P - quickly enter the next round

Ship controls:

  • W/S - Forwards/Backwards Thrust
  • A/D - Rotate Left/Right
  • Q/E - Strafe Left/Right
  • Left Click - Shoot all weapons
  • Hold Right Click - Precision aim mode -- Your ship will try to point towards your mouse cursor
  • Mouse Wheel Scroll - Zoom in / out

There is a creative mode toggle in the settings if you'd like to play around with many ship parts and push our game to the limits :)


Developed by The Tunnel

  • Yernemm - Main Programming
  • YoruVII - Main Graphics
  • mMonolith - Main Audio


Godot Intro Splash screen by KenneyNL

Menu Shader by ReVybes

Skybox and Easter egg Texture by NASA

Shot,scifi,powerdown,buildShort,highs.wav by CJDeets -- https://freesound.org/s/476741/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Software used 



Substance Painter

Substance Designer

Github Desktop


Updated 24 days ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsYernemm, mMonolith, YoruVII
Tags3D, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Godot, Space


Build 5.zip (small bugfix) 229 MB


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Very strong submission!
Had fun playing this one!
It has a good potential for a great game I think!

Would like to have more rigid controls because most of the time I'm just staring as my bloated ship trying to turn around and do something.
Also, AI which likes to stuck in the ship is a little bit discouraging and makes me feel helpless.
So my gut tells me what if it will be more fast paced, a little bit more forgivable (like flesh will give you extra hull and not substract your hp when damaged) I would have even more fun with it!

Glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Yah the game could do with a nice balancing pass and the AI could do with some more intelligence they seem to get stuck on stuff and annoyingly trap/drag the player around. We had a large enemy ship but it was so annoying because it dragged the player around so it was scrapped. Thanks for the amazing feedback we love to hear it! :) also a tip for the ship controls ships are slow to turn especially when they get big so personally I use Q/E to strafe and place guns on all sides. :)

Whoa! For whatever reason I didn't know what I can strafe using Q/E! Will check for sure and destroy those nasty enemies!

Thank you for the submission! We would be glad if you'll check ours too!

haha yah also if you put more rockets on your sides then you can turn faster in that direction its all a balancing act of if you want more guns and hulls but you turn slower or less of that and more maneuverability or if you want to strafe. 

Actually our programmer already checked out your game we were in a discord call and I remember him saying something like "wow this game was actually surprisingly really fun" ill have to check it out myself soon. :)